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Material and Energy Flow Management
Study Plan Study Programme Programme Description  
Prehrambeno inženjerstvo
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Tehnologije konzervisane hrane link
Kontrola kvaliteta link
Prehrambena biotehnologija link
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Hemijsko procesno inženjerstvo link
Naftno-petrohemijsko inženjerstvo link
Eko-energetsko inženjerstvo link
Farmaceutsko inženjerstvo link
Inženjerstvo materijala link
Programme Description

Material and energy flow management

Name of study programme: Material and energy flow management
Aims of study programme: Education and training of master engineers in technology in the scientific field - Technological engineering for material and energy flow management in industry and flows concerning industry, in order to be prepared for adequate designing, organisation, control and independent problem solving arising during production process in chemical, oil-petrochemical, food and pharmaceutical industry. The aim of the study programme is also training of students for technological systems management taking into account technological, economic, ecological and social aspects as well as for the application of original and scientifically relevant researches that contribute to the development of new and improvement of the present industrial processes in order to increase energy efficiency, waste flows reduction, environmental protection and the application of zero emission concept in accordance with the legislations and standards of the Republic of Serbia and European Union.

Complete Study Programme Description - pdf

International Dual Degree Programme Liflet - pdf

Bulevar cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Srbija;
Telefoni: +381 (0) 21/ Dekanat: 485-3600, Studentska služba: 485-3611, 458-3612, 485-3613, Telefaks: 450-413;
e-mail: deantf@uns.ac.rs; site: http://www.tf.uns.ac.rs/